Living Words

In His Footsteps Week 17: Jesus Relationship with the Father

Charles Season 1 Episode 17

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In this week's episode of the Living Words Podcast, titled "In His Footsteps: Jesus' Relationship with His Father," host Charles Vance explores the profound connection between Jesus and His Father through a detailed analysis of John 10:22-42. Recorded during the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, this session delves into a pivotal moment where Jesus asserts His identity as the Messiah and elucidates His divine relationship, sparking both faith and controversy among His listeners.

The episode begins with a serene prayer, setting a reflective tone, before transitioning into the scriptural narrative where Jesus is confronted by Jews at Solomon's Colonnade. They challenge Him to declare His messianic identity openly. Jesus responds not just verbally but points to His miraculous works as manifestations of His Father's will, emphasizing His deep, intrinsic unity with God.

Charles Vance articulates this episode's core themes—Jesus' assertion of unity with His Father ("I and the Father are one"), His role as the good shepherd, and the eternal security offered to His followers. These elements are not merely theological concepts but are presented as practical, everyday truths that impact believers' lives. The tension in the narrative peaks when Jesus is nearly stoned for blasphemy, a critical moment that underscores the stark divisions in perception among His audience.

The podcast concludes with practical applications, inviting listeners to reflect on their understanding of Jesus' divinity and to consider how His works demonstrate His alignment with God's will. Vance offers guided prayers for recognizing Jesus' voice in daily life, understanding His divine nature, and embracing the eternal security He promises.

This episode is not just a biblical exposition but a call to deepen faith through understanding and to recognize the enduring presence and power of Jesus in the lives of believers. It's an invitation to explore how scriptural insights can transform personal faith and provide unshakeable assurance in the divine covenant.

Get a copy of the In His Footsteps devotional here.

Speaker 1:

Shabbat Shalom, happy Sabbath. Thank you for joining me. This is week 17 on In His Footsteps Jesus' Relationship with His Father. I'm Charles Vance. I'm your host with Living Words Podcast. So the text for this week is John 10, 22 through 42. And I'm going to do a brief prayer and then I'll read the word. Father God, we just praise your name. We thank you for your mercy, for your goodness, the love you have for us. We just pray that you'd lift us up and encourage us and open our eyes and ears to hear your word and to perceive it.

Speaker 1:

Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter and Jesus walked in the. And it was winter and Jesus walked in the temple and Solomon's porch, and then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him how long do you keep us in doubt? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly. And he answered unto them. I told you, and you do not believe the works that I do in my Father's name. They bear witness of me, but you do not believe because you are not of my sheep. As I said to you, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one. Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him, and Jesus answered them Many good works I have shown you from my Father. For which of those works do you now stone me? The Jews answered, saying For a good work. We do not stone you, but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God. And Jesus answered them. Is it not written in your law? I said you are gods. If he called them gods to whom the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken. Do you say of him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, you are blaspheming because I said I am the Son of God. If I do not do the works of my Father, you do not believe me. But if I do, though you do not believe me, believe the works that you may know and believe that the Father is in me and I in him. Therefore, they sought again to seize him, but he escaped out of their hand and he went away again beyond the Jordan to a place where John was baptizing at first, and then he stayed, and then many came to him and said John performed no sign, but all the things that John spoke about this man were true and many believed him there.

Speaker 1:

You know this text unfolds with the context of the festival of dedication, or Hanukkah, in Jerusalem. This portion of scripture captures a critical moment of confrontation and revelation, further clarifying his identity as Messiah and his relationship with the Father. It navigates through the dialogue with the Jews and his assertion of unity with the Father and the resultant division in their attempts to arrest him. The key themes are setting the initial question, the setting at Solomon's Colonnade during the Festival of Dedication provides a backdrop of light and dedication. Themes that resonate with his identity and mission. Themes that resonate with his identity and mission. Jews gathered around him, pressing him for a clear declaration if you are Messiah, tell us plainly. His response was that he pointed to his works as evidence of his messianic identity, emphasizing that they are done in the Father's name and testify about him. Yet he notes the disbelief of his questioners attributing to their not being among his sheep. So the good shepherd is reiterated In this reiterated theme from earlier.

Speaker 1:

In the chapter 10, jesus describes his followers as sheep who know his voice, follow him and are granted eternal life. He assures them of eternal security, stating that no one can snatch them from his hand. He makes a profound declaration of unity with the Father, saying I and the Father are one. This statement intensifies the tension, as his audience understands it to be a claim to divinity, and it prompts them to accuse him of blasphemy. They want to stone him. The defense and appeal to Scripture. Jesus defends his claim by appealing to Scripture and to the works he performs, challenging his accusers to believe based on the evidence of these works, even if they struggle to believe his words. This appeal underscores the consistency of his mission with the revelation of God in Scripture. Now the response as the passage ends is a divided response. Some attempt to arrest Jesus while others believe, and he retreats across the Jordan where many more come to believe in him, recognizing the truth of the ministry and testimony of John the Baptist about him.

Speaker 1:

Now the theological significance is Jesus as Messiah. This passage further clarifies his messianic identity, not solely through his words but through his works, which fulfill the messianic signs foretold in scripture. It's also the eternal security in Christ. His assurance that his sheep will never perish and no one can snatch them out of his hand speaks to the doctrine of eternal security for believers, rooted in the power and promise of God. Unity of Jesus and the Father. Power and promise of God. The unity of Jesus and the Father His declaration of oneness with the Father is a cornerstone of Christian theology, affirming his divine nature and the intimate relationship within the Trinity. It challenges readers to recognize him not only as a messianic figure, but as God himself.

Speaker 1:

Now the role of works in the revealing identity is. He appeals to his works as evidence of his identity, suggesting that genuine faith can be informed and supported by observing God's actions in the world. Now, recognition through faith and eternal security for believers. Jesus teaches that recognizing him as Messiah and the Son of God comes through faith, which is supported by the testimony of His works. This faith grants believers eternal security, as Jesus assures that no one can snatch His followers from His hand, emphasizing the permanence and protection found in relationship with Him. Oneness with the Father and the importance of works is evidence. His declaration of oneness with the Father affirms His divine nature and the intimate unity with the Trinity, challenging believers to see Him as God incarnate. Additionally, he points to His works as evidence of a divine mission, encouraging believers to see these miracles as manifestations of the power of God and love that support faith. The metaphor of sheep recognizing the shepherd's voice highlights the need for believers to be attuned to his guidance, fostering a relationship characterized by obedience and familiarity with his voice. He underscores the authority of Scripture, affirming its role in revealing his identity and mission, thus encouraging engagement with the Bible as the foundational word of God.

Speaker 1:

Here's some questions for reflection and discussion. Reflect on the significance of his statement I and the Father are one. How does this impact your understanding of his identity and mission? How else could it impact us? But to say, when you see Jesus Christ, you see the Father. He says I and the Father are one. He is God. He is God in the flesh dwelt among us. So how do the works of Jesus testify to his unity?

Speaker 1:

Can you think of a specific instance in your life or in Scripture where his actions reflect the Father's will, scripture where his actions reflect the father's will? I just say that a lot of times we are drawn to do something that is against our nature, and you know that small still voice within your heart that tells you to do something that may not necessarily be in your nature, but it's the right thing to do. That to me is the times when I know, but it's the right thing to do. That to me is the times when I know that it's the voice of the shepherd. So consider the promise of eternal security, and how does that assurance affect your faith in daily life? It's important to know that once you've covenanted with Messiah, it's permanent. He seals you with the Spirit, he puts His Spirit within you and that you can't lose your salvation. It's a covenant and you've covenanted with him. So here's some suggested prayers. This is a prayer for recognizing his voice.

Speaker 1:

Lord Jesus, our good shepherd, we pray for the sensitivity to recognize your voice in our lives, amid the noise and distractions of this world. Help us to discern your guidance and follow your lead with confidence and trust. May your word and Holy Spirit be clear signals directing our paths, helping us to navigate our choices and actions according to your will. Strengthen our commitment to listen, learn and obey that we may walk even closer to you. Amen. And a prayer for understanding his divine nature. Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of the mystery of your Trinity, that Jesus and you are one. Open our hearts and minds to more fully grasp this profound truth. Help us to see Jesus not just as a historical figure or teacher, but as the living God, intimately united with you in essence and purpose. May this understanding deepen our faith, enrich our worship and inspire our devotion as we marvel at the love you have shown us through him.

Speaker 1:

Amen and a prayer for assurance of eternal security. Holy Spirit, thank you for the assurance of eternal life in Yeshua, for the promise that no one can snatch us from his hand In moments of doubt or fear. Remind us of this unshakable security that comes from being known and loved by Jesus. Let this assurance shape our identity, fill us with peace and motivate us to live boldly for the kingdom, knowing that our future is secured by his power and love. Teach us to rest in this promise, allowing it to sustain us through trials and to propel us forward in hope.

Speaker 1:

Amen, hope this has been helpful for you as you go forward in your week. I hope you can find some nugget of truth in this lesson that'll help you the eternal security of Jesus Christ, the fact that he's not going to let you go, that nobody's going to snatch you from his hand. He's there with you in every circumstance. Father, just lift up all of the people that are out there and believing and hearing and seeing your works and hearing your words, that you'll just plant within them the seed of power and strength that, as it grows, that they'll grow in you and know you better. In Yeshua's name, amen.

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