Living Words

In His Footsteps Week 26: Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus

Charles Season 1 Episode 26

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What does Mary Magdalene's encounter with the risen Jesus teach us about faith and personal transformation? Join us on Living Words Podcast as we journey through John 20:1-18, witnessing Mary Magdalene's discovery of the empty tomb. Feel her confusion and sorrow turn into profound faith and joy as she recognizes Jesus calling her by name. Explore the vital role of women in Jesus' ministry and the powerful message of personal encounters with Christ. We'll reflect on how these moments can profoundly change our own lives and deepen our faith.

In the second part of the episode, we offer a heartfelt prayer inspired by Mary Magdalene's bold witness to Christ's resurrection. Learn how the Holy Spirit empowers us to share the good news with enthusiasm and clarity. We also pray for our listeners, that they may experience the presence and guidance of Jesus throughout their week. Be encouraged to bear witness to the hope and transformation that life with Christ brings, and inspire others to discover the truth and beauty of the Christian faith.

Get a copy of the In His Footsteps devotional here.

Speaker 1:

Good morning. I'm Charles Vance and this is Living Words Podcast. Blessed Sabbath to you, good morning, good morning. And this week we're in week 26 of In His Footsteps, which is 52 weeks in the Gospel of John, and if you would like a copy of this devotional, you can find a link to it in the show notes or you can go to Amazon and just search for In His Footsteps 52 weeks in the Gospel of John by Charles Vance. So week 26 is the appearance to Mary in the garden and the text is John 20, 1 through 18.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to open in prayer. Yeshua, jesus, we just thank you for your mercy and for your goodness. We thank you that you love us, that you gave your life for us and that you've extended the opportunity to be restored, to walk with you in eternity, to be raised with you at the last day. That you will raise us up and that you have clothed us in the righteousness of the Lamb, and that you, as the Lamb of God, have restored the earth. You've defeated Satan in the grave and death and hell, and that you, as the lamb of God, have restored the earth. You've defeated Satan in the grave and death and hell and you are living. You rose again. Your tomb is empty. We thank you for that. Pray that you would open up our hearts, our eyes, our ears, our minds to hear your word, to perceive it and to see your truth. In Yeshua's name, amen.

Speaker 1:

So I've been, you've been doing different things in this format. Sometimes I'll read scripture, read the passage, sometimes not. I'm going to go with just, let's just go through the devotional. It makes sense to read the passage, or read portions of the passage. I'll do that. So John 20, 1 through 18, recounts the resurrection of Christ. It's a cornerstone event in the Christian faith and it signifies the victory of Jesus over death and the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan. This passage vividly describes the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary Magdalene. It's her encounter with the angels and the profound moment when she meets the risen Savior. Through this narrative, themes of hope, revelation and transformation emerge, offering deep insights into the nature of belief, the personal relationship with the resurrected Jesus and the mission of the disciples.

Speaker 1:

First, with the discovery of the tomb empty tomb. Early on the first day of the week, mary Magdalene visits his tomb to find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. She's just wrought and she runs to tell Simon, peter and the other disciples that his body's been taken, prompting them to investigate. Then Peter and John investigate. They run to the tomb where John arrives arrives first, but he hesitates to enter, and when peter arrives, he he goes directly inside, followed by john. There they find the linen wrappings, but nobody, leading to the belief, despite not fully understanding scripture, that he must have risen from the dead. And this moment marks a transition from confusion to the dawning of faith.

Speaker 1:

Now, mary standing outside the tomb, weeping. She sees two angels in white and when asked why she's crying, she expresses her anguish over his missing body. Turning around, she sees him but doesn't recognize him until he calls her by name. This personal encounter transforms her grief into joy and she becomes the first witness to proclaim the risen Messiah fulfilling his command to tell the disciples of his resurrection. You know, this is actually this got front and front of back, because risen Messiah fulfilling his command to tell the disciples of his resurrection. You know, this is actually this got front and front of back. Because here's the thing you can't read one account and get the whole story. You have to read all of the accounts Matthew, Mark, luke, john and then you have to weave that together into a cohesive thought. They don't say things the same way. It's not three different stories, but it's three different perspectives on the same account.

Speaker 1:

And we know that when Mary came to the tomb early, it was before daylight and the tomb was already empty. And she did see that somebody there in the moonlight, because it was the Passover so the moon would have been full and she said you know where have you laid my master? That was, she perceived him to be the gardener, and then he said Mary. And then she knew instantly and she ran to him and he told her stop, don't touch me, because I have not yet ascended to my father. And that always puzzled me. And why she couldn't touch him? Because he, just a few days later, lets Thomas touch him. And the reason is because he had not yet ascended, as the first fruit, the first fruit offering, had not yet been given, and she couldn't touch him until he had completed that.

Speaker 1:

So here's the theological significance. There's a theological significance in the role of women. Mary's prominent role underscores a significant part that women played in his ministry and in his early witness. Her encounter highlights the personal and transformative nature of meeting a risen master, a risen Messiah. There's recognition in revelation. Her initial failure to recognize him followed by recognition upon hearing the name. Hearing her name illustrates the journey from grief and confusion to revelation and understanding in Christian life. It suggests that recognizing the risen Savior often comes through personal relationship and revelation. There's mission and proclamation. He commissions Mary to go and tell his disciples, establishing a pattern of witness and proclamation that defines the Christian mission. Her announcement I've seen the Lord encapsulates the heart of our testimony and some lessons that can be gained.

Speaker 1:

Is the significance of a personal encounter with the risen Christ. Mary Magdalene's personal encounter with the risen Jesus transforms her grief into joy and empowers her to be a witness. This teaches us that our faith is not merely about intellectual assent to doctrines but about encountering Him personally. He calls us, each by name, inviting us into a relationship that has the power to change us in our understanding of reality. The journey from confusion to faith. The reactions of Peter, john and Mary to the empty tomb and the risen Lord reflect the journey from confusion and sorrow to belief and joy. John's belief upon seeing the empty tomb, even without full understanding, underscores that faith often begins with a willingness to trust in the midst of uncertainty. This journey mirrors the process many believers experience in coming to faith and growing in their relationship with God.

Speaker 1:

John 28. Finally, the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. There's the call to proclaim the resurrection. Jesus commissions Mary Magdalene to go and tell his disciples about his resurrection, making her the first evangelist of the risen Christ. This highlights the importance of witness and proclamation in the life Believers are called to share the good news of his resurrection, bearing witness to the hope and life it brings to the world entangled in sin and death. John 20, 17-18,. Jesus said Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news I have seen the Lord and she told them that he had said these things to her. And some questions for reflection and discussion Reflect on the significance of Jesus choosing to first appear to Mary.

Speaker 1:

What does this tell us about his view of disciples, regardless of gender or status? Well, I think he chose to appear to Mary because she knew him better than the rest. Honestly, she was the one that anointed him because she knew he was going to die, when all the rest of them were saying you know, when are you going to take control? When are you going to take control? She knew that he was headed up to Jerusalem to offer his life, his sacrifice, and she broke that alabaster jar full of fragrances and wiped his feet with her hair. He knew he had a special place in his heart for her and that he then chose to appear to her first and that was his reward.

Speaker 1:

Consider the symbolism of the garden setting for the appearance. In what ways does it suggest the theme of new beginnings and creation? You know, the garden is a garden. I mean, that was where the tomb was. So I'm not sure that there's any special significance to the fact that there was a garden, but a garden can represent new life. It's growth. You know, seeds finding life. But the most significant thing about the garden tomb is that it's empty. It's empty. He rose again.

Speaker 1:

I went to Russia for some projects and while I was there I visited Moscow, and in Moscow I went to see the tomb of Lenin, and in Lenin's tomb they have developed a whole science around preserving the body and his body. It looks just like he died yesterday. I mean it's and I don't know how much of that's real and how much of that's plastic, basically, but that's Lenin and his tomb and they have such great reverence and they have soldiers that guard him, you know, 24-7. But the remarkable thing that stood out to me as I looked at the tomb of Lennon was that Lennon is still in his tomb and Jesus is not.

Speaker 1:

Now, before we close, I'm going to do some suggested prayers. So here's a prayer for a personal encounter with the risen Christ. Lord Jesus, risen Savior, in the quiet moments and the bustling days, I ask to hear you call my name, as you did Mary's in the garden. Open my heart to recognize your presence in my life, transforming my understanding and deepening my relationship with you. May each encounter with you renew my spirit and fill me with the joy of knowing you are alive and active in my world and my life. Amen.

Speaker 1:

It was a prayer for growth in faith. Heavenly Father, like John who saw the empty tomb and believed, grant me the grace to trust you more deeply, especially in moments of uncertainty or confusion. Strengthen my faith as I reflect on the evidence of your love and the truth of your word. Help me to see beyond my doubts and fears, growing in confidence that you are always at work, leading me into a fuller understanding of your will and your ways. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Prayer for Boldness and Witness. Holy Spirit, giver of Life, empower me with the boldness and joy that comes from knowing Christ is risen, like Mary Magdalene who ran to tell the disciples. Equip me to share the good news of his resurrection with enthusiasm and clarity. Use my words and actions to bear witness to the hope and transformation you offer, drawing others to discover the truth and beauty of life with you. Amen. I hope this has been an enjoyable and fulfilling few minutes. My prayer for you this week is that you'll have a good week and everything will go your way, enjoyable and fulfilling few minutes. My prayer for you this week is that you'll have a good week and everything will go your way, that you'll have a blessed understanding of Jesus, messiah and His Word, and how he wants to be a part of your life. Thank you for joining me and I hope to see you next time.

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